Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sticks and Stones

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me."

I wish the author of that saying had been with me this afternoon, when I got a blistering phone call over a situation I had little to no control over.  A choice was made, a consequence was given (not even my consequence, by the way), and the caller was none too pleased with said consequence. 

No, no bones were broken, but knowing how much I love each and every child in my classroom, and knowing how much I do for each and every one of them, and knowing how hard I work so they can be successful...
No, they didn't break bones, but those words hurt my feelings and they made me mad.  

I wish I was the kind of person that could just let these things go in one ear and right out the other.

I wish I could say "I don't care."  

But I can't do that.  

I wonder if that's how Jesus feels sometimes.  We make choices, our choices have consequences, and what do we do?  We turn around and get mad at God or ask Him "why?" or "how could You let this happen?"  No, our attitudes and questions have no bearing on Who God is, but knowing how much He loves us, and knowing how much He gives us, how much He has done for us, how much He continues to do for us, and knowing how hard He works on our behalf...
No, our words have no bearing on Who God is, but I can't help but wonder if they hurt Him or make Him angry.  

I wish I was the kind of person that could just let these things go in one ear and right out the other.

I wish I could say "I don't care."  

But I can't do that.  

I can't do that because of who I am.  I do care.  I care a lot.
And you know what?  It's okay.
It's okay because that's exactly who I am.  
It's okay because that's exactly who I am and Whose I am.
Jesus cares.  He cares so much that He died for you.  Died.  And rose again.  
Jesus cares so much that He died for you knowing that you may never love Him back.  
Jesus cares so much that, if you were the only person on Earth, He would have done no less.
Jesus cares so much that He held my hand today and gave me the grace to have self-control.
Jesus cares.
And so do I.

Do I care too much?  Maybe.
Could I stand to toughen up?  Absolutely. 
Was I proud of how I handled myself today?  Yes.
Could I have done it without God?  Never.

The Joy Dare continues with 3 gifts from the past that help you trust the future.
-My grandmother's words of wisdom:  "Jesus loves the person that hurt you just as much as He loves you."  And, one of my personal favorites, "Honey, you just can't make other people behave."
-A card my principal gave me on the first day of school, "You will have all kinds of days- days full of joy, days that break your heart, and days that make you want to quit- trust me.  But every single day, you will make a difference.  Never doubt that God has big plans for you here."
-words from a sweet friend, "If God sends us on strong paths, He will provide us with strong shoes."  

Gifts that I've noticed, and gifts that I haven't.  

Keep counting, 

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